Fursetgruppen, a renowned restaurant group in Oslo, Norway, was struggling with high staffing costs due to their reliance on external staffing agencies. They found it challenging to share employees between departments and maintaining consistent levels of service across their various locations. The restaurant group knew they needed to find a solution that would allow them to reduce staffing costs while maintaining high-quality service levels.
That's when they discovered Staffers Internal Network solution, a software platform that provides a centralized employee management system for large organisations. With the help of Staffers, Fursetgruppen was able to easily share employees between departments and locations, which helped them optimize their workforce and reduce external staffing costs greatly.
By using Staffers' Internal Network solution, Fursetgruppen was able to streamline their scheduling process and improve communication between departments. This allowed them to allocate staff more efficiently based on demand at each location. Additionally, since employees were familiar with the company culture and procedures across all locations, they could provide better customer service consistently.
The implementation of Staffers' Internal Network solution has also had a positive impact on employee satisfaction within Fursetgruppen. Employees now have more opportunities for career development and growth within the company since they can work across different departments and locations. This has helped reduce turnover rates and improved overall retention of skilled staff members.
Overall, Fursetgruppen's partnership with Staffers has been immensely successful in reducing staffing costs while improving service quality across all locations. By adopting an innovative approach to employee management through technology solutions like Staffers' Internal Network solution, businesses can optimize their workforce effectively and achieve long-term success.