Mobiliser arbeidsstyrken din
Fa mest mulig ut av din navaerende arbeidsstyrke ved a dele ressurser internt.
External recruitment
Tap into Staffers 7,000-strong network of shared workers in Norway to cover temporary needs and recruit new top talent within EU.
Give your employees the power to claim additional shifts while driving agility across your organisation. Prioritise your internal employees who you trust to represent your company brand.
Current Employees
Maximise your own workforce - Allow your employees apply for unfilled shifts across the organisation.
Previous Employees
Utilise your Alumni workforce - Retain value from former employees by allowing them to work unfilled shifts.
Staffers External Network
Tap into the External Workforce - Let Staffers’ shared workforce claim remaining unfilled shifts or recruit new top talent.
Employees want flexibility. Businesses need flexibility. Staffers network based solution creates the ideal solution.
Happier Employees
Ensure that every individual feels fulfilled in their role by taking into account the human aspect in the skills-role matching processes.
More Opportunities
Give part-time and extra employees the opportunity to pick up extra shifts throughout the organization, based on their own needs at their own time.
Build a career
View, track and receive personal feedback and development.
Empower and engage with your people.
Increase collaboration and guarantee that your operations comply with your organisational standards.
Access to flexible work increases employee happiness, well-being and a long-lasting workforce.
Reduce reliance on staffing agencies and understaffing.
Save time on administrative tasks, automated legal contracts and payroll processes.
Post open shifts
Location managers post shifts with just a few clicks.
Select from available employees
Available employees from all locations apply for the shifts that suit them. Role and experienced based access.
Feedback loop
Continuous feedback powers individual employee development and growth.
Your workforce management system + Staffers
means streamlining communication and staffing across departments.
Fill in your details and we will contact you, or book a meeting by clicking the button below.
Book a meetingNye vaner har blitt dannet hos arbeidstakere og i samme takt forventningene om en fleksibel arbeidsgiver og arbeidsplass. Arbeidsgivere har måttet finne nye fleksible løsninger for sine ansatte, utarbeide nye rutiner når det kommer til smittevern og sikkerhet, opprettholde en god arbeidskultur og samtidig være konkurransedyktige i det markedet de opererer i. Vi opplever nå en ny hverdag hvor fleksibilitet og tilrettelegging er de primære driverne en ny hybrid arbeidsmodell. Men hvordan kan bedrifter innen Facility Management ta i bruk teknologi for å anpasse seg en ny hybrid arbeidsmodell hos sine kunder?
Staffers for barnehager - din egen bemanningspool for barnehagene i din kommune eller region. Med Staffers Interne Nettverk har du et digitalt verktøy som lar deg komme i kontakt med medarbeidere i din region på sekunder, det seg være pedagoger som jobber fulltid, deltidsansatte eller vikarer. Du spesifiserer hva du er ute etter og medarbeidere med ledig kapasitet kan melde sin interesse for å jobbe de ubemannede vaktene.